Emergency Dental Services
We Offer Urgent Care for These Dental Emergencies and More
A dental emergency is any oral health issue that requires prompt attention to save a tooth, stop persistent tissue bleeding, or relieve significant pain.
Our practice is highly adept at treating these urgent care oral health issues:
Soft Tissue Damage and Gum Bleeding – In most cases, bleeding gums indicate a form of gum disease, which is an emergency our staff can help treat. Dr. Arnold will likely perform a deep dental cleaning or scaling and root planing procedure to help remove any infection within the gums. Additionally, he may prescribe an oral rinse to help reduce inflammation and infection.
Loose or Knocked-Out Teeth – Knocking out or loosening a tooth is a medical emergency. If your adult tooth is knocked out, try putting it back in place and contact our office immediately. Never try to reinsert a baby tooth. Instead, bring your child to Dr. Arnold immediately. If you can’t put an adult tooth back into position, place it in milk and call our office.
Tooth Abscesses – As a more serious oral health emergency, a tooth abscess may require immediate root canal therapy (RCT). This involves drilling into the affected tooth to drain the abscess and remove any infected tissue. Head immediately to the nearest emergency
department if you have an abscessed tooth accompanied by a high fever.
Toothaches – One of the most common reasons for a bad toothache is severe decay or an infection. To resolve this issue, our dentist may need to perform a root canal. After he finishes the procedure, you will begin to feel significantly better than when you first came in. Sometimes, it is also necessary to restore the tooth with a dental filling or crown, a process that can be done the same day or during a follow-up appointment.
Cracked Teeth – Having a piece of a tooth break off and fall out can be quite stressful. When there is pain or blood involved, it is definitely considered a dental emergency. Even if it doesn’t hurt or bleed, a cracked tooth or chipped tooth should be seen by Dr. Arnold. However, the amount of urgency depends on the type and severity of the problem.
We also can help with:
Loose Bridges
Loose Crowns
Loose Fillings
Broken or Chipped Teeth